Internal Complaints Committee

We speak of equal rights for men and women. Our Constitution says so, our government echoes it. But unfortunately the reality is something else, often devastating and extremely miserable. Ill treatment of girls is something that has to be dealt with very strongly. They must be assured protection and all sorts of help in case of any untoward incident. Our college is doing exactly that. The authorities, the teachers, the non teaching staff and the student’s union are unanimous in their view that sexual harassment of girls will not be tolerated within the college premises. The College will do its utmost to take of the girls in the campus.

The Internal Complaints Committee for the prevention of sexual harassment has been constituted according to the UGC guideline.

ICC Committee(w.e from 19-03-2022)

1. Dr. Abhijit Ganguly: Principal
2. Dr. Swati Pal: Presiding Officer
3. Dr. Sudakshina Sarkar Roy: Faculty Member
4. Dr. Itu Singh: Faculty Member
5. Mr. Subir Talukder: Non-Teaching Employee Member
6. Mrs. Manju Das: Non-Teaching Employee Member
7. Ms. Shelly Sarkar: External Member(Advocate)