As the only institution in Kidderpore and in the surrounding neighborhood for the advancement of higher education, the College aims to fulfill the objectives illustrated below:
Dissemination of lessons within the time-frame in keeping with the curriculum formulated by the University of Calcutta in the best possible way so as to grow their potential and skills, considered necessary for employment and entrepreneurship; and Insemination of progressive, liberal and secular ways of life into the fervent minds of the students in tune with the underlying statements of the curriculum.
The Prospectus of the College reflecting the vision, mission and objectives of the institution outlined above is duly provided to all concerned as required. Besides, they are often highlighted by the teachers in the classes to keep the newly admitted students well-informed on the guidelines delineated in the Prospectus. Furthermore, parent-teacher meetings are used as a tool to transmit those messages epitomized in the vision, mission and objectives to the guardians who are the essential components of the institution. The teaching and the non-teaching staff who discharge important responsibilities in the institution are equally responsive to the institutional vision, mission and objectives. However, they are also frequently reminded and urged upon by the authority, to achieve the long-cherished goals of the College through superior work culture. It is also to note that sometimes the senior teachers and senior non-teaching employees of the College gladly advise and help their junior colleagues to overcome any impasse. Dissemination of the key messages are sometimes made in the meetings of the Teachers’ Council, meetings with the nonteaching staff, Annual Social of the Students’ Union, Annual Sports, etc., where the Principal addresses all to make a reaffirmation of the pledges outlined in the vision, mission and objectives of the College.