Career Counselling and Placement Cell

SL.No Subject Organization / Institution View
1 2023-25 Memorandum of Understanding Purbasha Eco Helpline
2 2022-24: Memorandum of Understanding Anudip Foundation for Social Welfare
3 2023-25 Memorandum of Understanding of Career and Placement Cell Earth Star Mushroom, Andul, Howrah
4 2023-25 :Memorandum of Understanding of Career and Placement Cell Firhad 30
5 2022-27 Memorandum of Understanding Hulladek Pvt. Ltd
6 2022-24 :Memorandum of Understanding of Career and Placement Cell Institute of Indian Sweet Technology Research & Development Centre(IIST)

The Career Counselling Cell of Kidderpore College has been actively providing guidance to students, and aiding them in the progression of their career. Ever since its foundation, the Career Counselling Cell has been working tirelessly for close to 20 years, trying to bring them in touch with various companies so as to give them an idea about the market and employment opportunities. The Career Counselling Cell of Kidderpore College has worked in close collaboration with well-known organizations and multinational corporations like Reliance JIO, ICICI Bank, Anudip Foundation, Avision, MCKV Institute of Engineering, St. Augustine’s Institute of Higher Education, to help the students find employment every year.
Additionally, the Career Counselling Cell of Kidderpore College has also conducted various training programs, to help enable students understand the nuances of internship, apart from conducting various training programmes, to help them achieve their career goals.

The Career Counselling cell has been recently renamed as Career Counselling and Placement Cell to enable students pursue the right career options after the completion of their graduation course.