
Our college library makes an earnest effort to complement classroom studies through a wide variety of books, journals, magazines, e-resources, newspapers. Through this vast collection of offline and online resources, it caters to the needs of the faculty members and the students alike. The services are aimed at not only fulfilling the demands of its users, but also understanding the requirements of students, a considerable number of whom are first generation learners and hail from humble backgrounds. The library makes students familiar with different types of available resources to ensure optimum use of textual and reference materials for their study, for research, and for pleasure. A good number of reference books, discipline-specific books, fiction, non-fiction, archival material are available in the library. Digital copies and links to online newspapers and magazines are also there in the collection to develop reading habits in students.


  • Books: 29000+
  • Periodicals: 6 magazines for Reading Room and journals subscribed by different departments.
  • Personal Collection: Prof. Asit Mukherjee and Prof. P.K. Ghosh, both former teachers of the college have donated a number books from their own collection. The collection of Prof. Mukherjee has been donated posthumously by his wife Smt. Ashoka Mukherjee.
  • Special Collections: We have special collections of books on (1) Kolkata and local history; (2) The 3 prominent Bengali poets of 19th century who spent a span of their lives in Kidderpore-Michael Madhusudan Dutt, Hemchandra Banerjee and Rangalal Banerjee; (3) Institutional Repository comprising college publications and books by the faculty members.
  • Question Papers in digitized and hard copy formats are available for reference.


  • Opening hrs. 10.30 A.M. to 5.30 P.M. (Monday-Friday)
  • Opening hrs. 10.30 A.M. to 3 P.M (Saturday)
  • Closed on Sunday and Holidays


Koha online catalog (for 24*7 catalogue searching)
Online Public Catalogue can also be accessed from mobiles by scanning this QR Code:

Other Facilities

Reading Room; Reference and Photocopy services; Membership of British Council Library; Access to free Internet; Institutional membership of British Council Library, Kolkata; Access to e-books and e-journals through N-LIST Consortium and also Digital resources and bibliography.

Library Team

  • Smt. Bahni Mukhopadhyay, Librarian (Sr. Scale)
  • Km. Mita Sarkar, Librarian
  • Shri Amal Mishra, Library Clerk
  • Shri Manoranjan Roy, Library Peon (Contractual)
  • Shri Misrilal Dhanuk, Assistant (Contractual)
