INTERSECTIONS – The Annual Journal of the Department of English, Kidderpore College
1. Title of the Practice:
The Department of English, Kidderpore College publishes its annual journal, named Intersections – A Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies.
2. Objectives of the Best Practice:
The primary objective of this practice is to publish high quality research papers, written in English, by faculties, research scholars and students, drawn from a variety of disciplines and not limited to works of literature only.
3. The Context:
Journals are published by both academic and non-academic institutions and bodies, of national and international repute. The members of the Department of English, KidderporeCollege, in keeping with this practice, endeavourto publish academic articles and book reviews which are at par with highest standard of academic ethics. The journal is dedicated towards
4. The Practice:
The online journal is usually published every September. The journal is open-access, double blind peer-reviewed, and has the ISSN number 2583-1542. The journal has a definitive board of advisors and reviewers, as well as a board of editors, who are all senior facultymembers of various institutes of national and international acclaim. Our honourable principal, Dr.AbhijitGanguly, is the chief patron of our journal.
5. Evidence of Success:
The journal has till now published two complete issues, and they are all available online on the following website: . All the published articles can be read for free on this website. The Department is working on the third voume right now.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Problems Encountered: One of the biggest problems encountered had been to find proper resource persons who would agree to grace the various positions of advisors/reviewers for this journal. Along with this the funding needed to run a journal is a problem that the members are still trying to figure out.
Resources Required:
i) Adequate funding for formation of website.
ii) Finding resource persons.
iii) Spreading the information about the journal, the CFPs, so that interested scholars, students and academicians can submit their articles.
SOHOPATHI- Kidderpore College Community Education Centre
1. Title of the Practice: Kidderpore College Community Education Centre which is named Sohopathi.
2 Objectives of the Best Practice: These weekly classes assist the children with their regular school work and other cocurricular activities. We support them through regular distribution of copies and stationery, Children with special needs are given individual attention.Nutritious tiffin is given to them after class.
3 The Context: The students of our college conduct these special classes to educate the underprivileged children of the local neighbourhood. These children have little or no access to quality education and the mission is to guide them through the path of quality learning.
4 The Practice: These classes are conducted weekly. Our students assist the children with their regular school work and address any queries or doubts they may have regarding their studies. They also find assistance with other cocurricular activities.
Children with special needs are given individual attention. Nutritious tiffin is given to them after class. Since they come from economically weaker sections of the society, we try to support them through regular distribution of exercise copies and stationery.
5 Evidence of Success: The active participation of the students and members of the local community is a sign that our college’s mission of creating awareness through these campaigns has been successful. The children eagerly look forward to the classes and study together with great enthusiasm
6 Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
Language becomes a barrier in communicating with Bengali-speaking students.Classes have to remain suspended during University examinations and vacations.
Initially college had funded the initiatives. Thereafter teachers have been donating voluntarily to support our endeavour.
7 Notes- Since its inception, Kidderpore College has dedicated itself to the practice and promotion of academics. Our aim is to extend our support to those who have the potential to achieve success through education. We believe that only education can uplift our society. To that end, we are trying to help those children who have dreams in their eyes but do not have the means to turn them into reality. Through these classes we hope to nurture their potential and guide them to success.